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Recruitment of new members is one of the most important and trusted duties within [EVO]. Who we recruit now will determine what the clan becomes in the future. It is for this reason that we have compiled a list of Guidelines that has to be followed when recruiting a potential member.

Only Players Sct. Or above may recruit.
(This excludes Exp, because they might just be new to the clan)
Rke.Nvc.or Exp. who finds a new player should ask higher ranks for help
New members will be given the ranks of Rke. Nvc. Or Exp.
Based on their scores and skill.

How to proceed when recruiting
1. When you recruit off the "street," you have no way of being able to decipher if the potential member has qualities that we look for in [EVO].
ALWAYS look for friendly people, [EVO] does not need troublemakers.

2. ALWAYS ask if the potential recruit is already in a clan. This will save yourself and the person that you are trying to recruit a lot of time.

3. Have you been in a clan in the past? If they answer "yes", ask them What was your reason for leaving?" If at that point they begin bad mouthing the clan or the officers of that clan, proceed with caution. This could be an indication of a troublemaker.

4. When u have checked them out and are happy with their play, ask them to go to our clan site and fill out the application form. www.aldesign.50megs.com/clan/pages

4. Don't recruit and leave. After you recruit them, take them to whichever server the most [EVO] are in (if there are any on) and introduce them to some of the other members. Make them feel like they have become part of a team.

If they are really new, explain the basics to them. How to find the other members online, how to jump higher etc. Remember that a lot of this stuff we take for granted, but no matter how silly or unimportant it is to you always remember that they do not know our policies.

Recruitement Rules Composed by Tumster, and Edited by Arenzo.

Dde. Updates

Site designed and maintained by: aldesign
email: aldesign@aol.com