Dde.Arenzo Personal Updates:

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* = New

09th July - Goran Ivanisevic has just won wimbledon, im well chuffed, and he cried. He deserved it soo much after previously loosing 3 finals. Anyway back to CS, erm, hope ur all enjoying the new spraytags, very usefull, and please get on the MessageBoard. USlag and Tumster should be moderators asap.

05th July - YAY! ive recruited 3 new clan members, one of which has become a good freind: MoFO. Also welcome Cold Steel and Fizzie.
Fizzie is a very good player and has been instanyl awarded with the Exp. ranking.

25th June - Still havent got a reply from 50megs about fixing the Application cgi-bin. Neatened up some pages with new tables and blue borders, plus played till 3:30am the other night, blame USlag - early morning aint good for me - i went crazy! BOOOT!

22nd June - Myself and USlag went to see the new film Evolution, not quite living up to our high expectations, but it still had many funny bits. Just thought i'd mention it as the site features the 3-Eyed Smily logo.

21st June - Thanks to USlag for creating the brand new EVO/BOOT animated gif. The spinning logo now appears on every page on in the top left hand corner (after hours of late night ICQ'ing, and file swapping).

Dde. Updates

Site designed and maintained by: aldesign
email: aldesign@aol.com