Archive News

      --- Bios *
Ranking System
Team Policies

Console Help


Events *

      --- Maps
      --- Spray Tags
Screen Shots

Message Board
World Clock


* = New

07th July:
Go Get Em!
YAY!, we now have a range of official clan tags. Hope you like em, once uve had a look and Dwnlded some, you can even email Arenzo and get your own personalised one.

05th July:
Download it here
Sounds.zip, has been finalised and will now work on speciaifed Servers: HalfLifeScreenShots, and new' BudSmoker.
05th July:
Recruiting has started and already 3 quality players have been signed up, [EVO]Nvc.Cold Steel 0=={::::::> , [EVO]Nvc.MoFO. and [EVO]Exp.Fizzie. Cold Steel might not be spotted very often as he is an American player, but MoFO and Fizzie have both shown good attendance on the Egame server, Great Stuff! and enjoy ur time with [EVO].

30th June:
Application form finaly working properly, with the correct thank_you page! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! took me 3days to do it, then USlag deleted one letter off the end of a file name html. = htm. ARSE!

24th June:
Archive News section created, to store old stories, find it here.
Basic downloads section completed, currently with 5maps, the vegas fix, and some cool sounds. Also the Servers section now comes with a console tutorial and helpfull pictures.
22nd June:
New animated gif for the website's title boarder. A Spinning Coin which shows faces of [EVO] & [BOOT]. Thanks very much USlag.

Dde. Updates

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Site designed and maintained by: aldesign
email: aldesign@aol.com